Bang on again. The shift from the feelings to the mental capacity was, I believe, a plot to enslave us into becoming units of production in this economic nightmare. The capacity of the brain to produce neuronets in the unconscious enabling quick access to skills, has been used to brainwash us with programmers designed to make us adhere to what we are told rather than what we sense and feel. Listening to these programmers ensure we live as others want. Our feeling nature is the only thing that is uniquely us. We can trust it implicitly because it's dedicated to our survival. As all other animals know. In trusting them, we open up to the Greater Consciousness beyond what we are told.I think this is what our imagination is in part. Looking forward to your next take on all this. You are a treasure.

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Thanks so much for this, Jay. Beautifully put. I'm not sure that I distrust cognition/ the mental capacity entirely as much as you. I do think it can be an important part of the human role on the planet; in fact I think it *has* to be, since there's no getting away from the fact that we have very advanced brains. I think it's just a case of getting back into balance -- getting the emissary to start following the master, as Iain McGilchrist would have it, instead of the other way around.

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Lovely. Let's explore this. I agree we need the mind and it's important place in our lives. But which mind? The enculturalsed mind (upcoming book) is fully programed with neuronets put there by others therefore cannot be trusted in running our lives. It has to be decommissioned otherwise it turns us into automatons for the system-its purpose. But we have, underneath that, what David White calls 'the nested mind.' It's our true mind. It's job is to not interfere with what we create, but to help us find wisdom out of the process, after we have created it, by listening to the feelings. This, I believe, is what shamans symbolically call the shamanic death where their bodies are ripped apart symbolically, to be put back together in a new form as a shaman (conscious awareness). Our cultural mind needs to be dismembered in order for the real mind, our own mind, as opposed to what everyone else thinks we should be, to help us find ourselves. So I guess whatvI am saying is I trust my feeling implicitly to make the decisions I need to make moment by moment. But I trust my nested mind to help me ( the conscious soul self at the center of all of this) To help me find answers prosecute the lesson from it all. Thanks so much for entering into conversation with me. I love the stimulation. A copy of my new book The Enculturalised Mind is yours if I ever get past the first draft.😄

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Would love to read your book when it’s done! Thank you. (And sorry about the delay — I’m away from home at the moment.) This is a really helpful nuance — that (and this is my re-spin of what you said) while mind/cognition/reasoning is important, it can’t always be taken at face value; it’s not a neutral or even a simple/single energy. I’m going to think about that some more. Thank you!

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